Now Reading: groundswell (yes, you don’t capitalize it)

I have no control of myself once I pass by a book sale. I closely follow FullyBooked and Powerbooks for their next sale. National Bookstore, on the other hand, has a lot of them and I was not been able to resist that urge when I passed by last night– and I myself was surprised in what I found.

For just 50 pesos (yes, 50 pesos!), I got a good copy of groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. The book is about social technology and social media and how it is changing the way people and brands communicate. Found out that the original price was 1200. As a social media enthusiast with no educational background on marketing, I know I need one since I am practicing right now.

Reading the first chapters makes me excited to read further. I love this book simply because I get it and it gives me strong foundation on social media. You see, I am on social media for a year now and the skills I have are all based from practice. Having a book introducing me to basic principles of social media reinforces my current knowledge on this particular area.

Guess I have to extend a little more time for my deadline on Sense and Sensibility.

PS. I am also loving Goodreads. If ever you are on it, please feel free to add me as a friend.

Klout unveils Moments

Moments is so cool. It gives us insights on which posts contributed significantly to our Klout influence so we can analyze how the movement of our scores relative to the level of engagement of those specific moments. I think in the long run, it will help brands and personalities in coming up with strategies and campaigns by looking at Moments for reference.

Read more about Klout‘s moments here.

Interesting juxtaposition of Klout Score and Myers-Brigs Scores.

sarah HANNAH gómez

I joined Klout a few months ago. Like most things on the Internet, it has the effect of making you spend more time on the Internet doing Internet things to improve your Internet. So obviously I love it. My score generally hovers in the low fifties, and that seems fine considering that I am a complete nobody who just writes her blog, publishes in magazines sometimes, and makes comments on news websites when she’s moved to do so.

What I find most interesting about Klout is not that they’re beastly good at making you want to Internet your Internet, but that underneath it all, they actually have a very interesting algorithm and theory behind the types of people in the (virtual) world. I love that stuff, even if I don’t actually live by it. Every few years I have some reason to take the Myers-Brigg, and whether or not I…

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